Savoring the Mystery

I love to travel! And, you know what I like best?  Looking at the pictures!  The pictures of the people, the cultures, their rituals and symbols help me remember the trip and allow me to reflect not only on where I have traveled, but on how the  journey affected me, how it moved me and what difference it made in my life.

Our newly initiated members are now reflecting on their faith journey, in particular, on the celebrations of Holy Week and the experience of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.  This process of reflection,  officially called mystagogy, is a way of helping them to deepen their understanding of their experience.  In the ancient Church, it was a way of teaching not only the newly initiated, but the whole community about the mysteries of faith.

With that in mind, I thought this would be a good opportunity to look back at the liturgies of Holy Week in the hopes that it will help us remember, reflect and rejoice.  So, sit back, relax, and take some time to ponder.  Ask yourself, what did I see?  A community gathered?  A procession with palms? What did I hear? The sound of water being poured over those being baptized?  The stories of salvation?  Uplifting music?  What did I feel?   Water being sprinkled on me?   What did I smell?  The scent of perfumed oil?  Incense?  What did I taste? The bread of life?  The cup of salvation? What struck or moved me the most?   A tender washing of feet?   Reenacting the journey to  Calvary?  Lips caressing the wood of the cross?   Arriving at the empty tomb?  Tears of joy from the newly received?

Now, ask yourself, what did all of this teach me about what I believe as a Catholic Christian? 
How did the rituals, symbols, texts, and  music deepen my faith?  How am I changed? And, how will I live differently this week as a result?

O Lord, help us to take the time to reflect on our liturgies, that the rituals, symbols and prayers we enact might be fulfilled by  our living.  AMEN.


"I do" "I do"


Passover and Pascha: From Exodus to Easter