Vatican II at 50: "People of God"
Vatican II at Fifty: The Year of Faith
Growing up we had two kinds of window attachments at home: storm windows and screens. We knew winter was on its way when the screens were taken down. And, we figured spring was around the corner when the screen windows were being prepped to be put in. Those soft spring and summer days, windows open, a gentle breeze blowing into the house are etched in my memory. The sounds and smells of rural Western Pennsylvania that wafted in our home helped me to connect to my roots and to reaffirm my identity. Somehow, that gave me the strength to face the world that lay beyond those screens.
Opening windows is one image that was used by Pope John XXIII as the rationale behind calling the Council known as Vatican II. When asked why the Council was needed, John XXIII reportedly opened a window and said, "I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in." Thus, the stage was set for the Church to be more in touch with the world that lay beyond its fortress-to be in dialogue with the world, including other Christian denominations and other faith traditions, instead of over and against it. As a result, windows were opened as the Church sought to redefine itself. The Council officially opened fifty years ago this week on October 11th, 1962. Commemorating the Council’s 50th anniversary, Pope Benedict has called this “A Year of Faith,” intended as a year of renewal. With the words which Pope John used at the council, let us pray that the coming year blows in a new breeze of hope.
Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." AMEN!